It is recommend that everyone tries their best to look after their teeth and stay on top of their dental health through regular visits to the dentist and a good dental hygiene regime. However, sometimes this is not the case.

Whether it is due to finances, a lack of information or an individual simply believing they will not develop dental health issues, in America there are a number of issues affecting more adults than you may think.

Due to a variety of reasons, including an insufficient daily dental routine or effects caused by pre-existing health conditions, the following conditions are the most common in American adults ranging from 20 to 60 years old.

Missing Teeth

The elderly are not the only individuals to suffer from missing or decaying teeth. According to the American Dental Association, the average person between the ages of 20 to 64 can have up to three missing or decaying teeth. For whatever reason the person has missing teeth, it can severely impact the way that person eats and in some cases, how they speak. Luckily there are many options where dentists can replace the teeth artificially, such as through the use of dentures, implants or bridges which are anchored to adjacent teeth.


Sensitivity is normally the symptom of other dental problems and therefore cannot be overlooked. If hot or cold food stuffs cause you pain, it could be because you have a fractured tooth, cavities, severely worn tooth enamel, an exposed root or worn fillings. In any of these cases it is recommended that you see a dentist, who can suggest a treatment for your type of sensitivity. Treatments can range from surgery to the recommendation of a sensitivity toothpaste depending on the severity of the sensitivity.

Dry Mouth

It is natural to wake up with a dry mouth or experience it after physical activity, however, if your mouth constantly feels dry, you may need medical treatment. Other medications and health conditions can cause an individual to experience constant dry mouth which can have a negative effect on your dental health. A dentist would need to check your mouth for decay as this becomes a common ailment in patients who suffer from dry mouth, due to the decrease in flow of saliva, which naturally cleanses the mouth.

Gum disease

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease and is the only stage where the effects can be reversed. It is caused when the bacteria in plaque creates toxins which cause the gums to become inflamed. With a balanced diet and a good ‘at home’ dental health regime, gingivitis can easily be avoided. However, it is possible to not know if you do have gum disease and therefore, regular check ups at the dentist are essential. If left untreated, Gingivitis can develop into more serious stages of gum disease which can severely impact the gums and bone in the mouth, doing irreversible damage.

Oropharyngeal cancer

Not only the inside of the mouth but the lips and throat among other tissue can be affected by Oropharyngeal cancer. The first symptoms are white or red sore spots or round patches of swelling in the mouth or throat. In your regular visits to the dentist, your dentist can examine your mouth and review your dental history. This improves your chances of catching the cancer in its early stages which makes it easier to treat. Other symptoms of mouth cancer include sores that bleed and do not heal; pain and tenderness; or a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite down.

Remember to tell you dentist about any changes you feel in your mouth, as well as any sensitivity you may be feeling to assist in the early detection of any ailment.
