We do everything we can to save teeth,
but if you do need an extraction,
we can help.
Now available for patients in
Pleasant Grove, Utah
We do everything we can to save teeth, but if you do need an extraction,we can help.
Now available for patients in
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Extraction is the term used to describe the removal of teeth. Most often, a tooth is whiffled out, not necessarily pulled.
There are different types of extractions:
1) Basic: a tooth is able to just be wiggled out
2) Surgical: gum tissue has to be removed to expose the tooth or the tooth has to be removed in pieces
3) Soft tissue impaction: gum tissue has to be removed to expose the tooth. Almost always this is a wisdom tooth, not a regular tooth
4) Partial bony: This almost always describes a wisdom tooth that is partially covered by bone, such that the bone will be removed from over the tooth so the tooth can then be removed
5) Full bony: A tooth is completely covered by bone, such that the tooth needs to have the tooth fully uncovered so it can be removed

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60 E State Rd, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062