Fillings: What Are My Options?

Fillings: What Are My Options?

Dental fillings are one of the most common dental procedures. Since many people require dental fillings, dentists and scientists have come up with many different ways to fix a cavity or crack. Here is a list of fillings that are available today.   Mercury/ Silver...
How To Overcome Dental Phobias

How To Overcome Dental Phobias

People generally tend to have a range of emotions about visiting the dentist. Some may be happy because they are going to get their braces taken off. Others may be nervous, anxious or afraid, because they do not know what to expect. Individuals may feel angry or...
Is Flying Giving Me a Toothache?

Is Flying Giving Me a Toothache?

Have you ever been on a flight, and along with the normal headache or pain in your ears, you experience a toothache? Well, for the same reason your ears hurt and pop, the pressure from the change in altitude places pressure on your teeth. However, the change in...
5 Nightly Steps for Healthier Teeth

5 Nightly Steps for Healthier Teeth

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, and although the month is nearly over, it is never too late to reevaluate your dental hygiene habits. Most people do not have the time or energy to spend a long time on their dental hygiene in the mornings. However, you can...
13 Food Items that Will Stain Your Teeth

13 Food Items that Will Stain Your Teeth

No matter how hard you try, without professional treatment, you can’t seem to keep your teeth looking white. This could be because the food and beverages you consume on a daily basis are staining your teeth. Below are the top 13 items that stain our teeth. Avoiding or...
Q&A: Root Canal Treatment

Q&A: Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a procedure to relieve pain and restore your teeth. An inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth causes the inner pulp/ soft tissue of a tooth to decay. This results in severe toothache, and if left untreated, the loss of a tooth. The...
How Vaping Affects Your Oral Health

How Vaping Affects Your Oral Health

E-cigarettes and vaping have been hailed to be the safer and healthier alternative to smoking. However, vaping still poses as much of a risk to your oral health as smoking does. Vaping and its Effect on Teeth and Gums Vaping still brings users into contact with...
How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is one of the fundamental pieces of equipment that maintains your oral health. Without it, you leave yourself open to developing bad breath, plaque, and eventually other conditions, such as gum disease. It is up to you to make sure you have a good...