During winter or when you are exposed to severe cold weather you can experience the same sensation as if you just bit into an ice cream. This is because, your teeth become sensitive to changes in temperature when tooth enamel wears down or the gums recede and expose your tooth root. How does this happen?


In response to extreme changes in the weather, your teeth expand and contract, which can eventually lead to cracks in your teeth. These cracks expose the layers of your tooth that sit beneath the enamel. The first layer is called dentin, and it is made of many nerve fibers. These fibers react to the change in temperature that results in pain and sensitivity.

Weather sensitivity can occur regardless of how well you take care for your teeth, but you’re at greater risk if you don’t practice good oral hygiene and live in an area that experiences drastic weather changes. Additionally, pre-existing dental conditions and habits can also affect how susceptible you are to the change in weather.

Common Dental Issues Responsible for Seasonally Sensitive Teeth

  • Diseases of the gums, such as periodontal disease, can expose the tooth root and cause sensitivity.
  • Brushing too vigorously can wear down your tooth enamel and expose the dentin.
  • Clenching and grinding your teeth in your sleep can wear down tooth enamel and lead to sensitivity.
  • Sensitivity to cold can be an early sign of an undetected tooth decay.
  • The ingredients in tooth whitening products may wear down your enamel while it removes the stains from your teeth.
  • The high concentration of acid in drinks, such as juices and sodas, as well as coffee and tea can erode your teeth and expose the dentin layer.
  • Poor oral hygiene and other bad lifestyle habits, such as using tobacco products, puts you at risk of developing dental conditions that leave you open to tooth sensitivity.

Whether you’re just starting to struggle with sensitivity or always have issues in the cold weather, it’s worth visiting your dentist and finding a solution to resolve your pain.

At Trevor Smith Dental, we will be able to determine exactly which teeth are exposed to sensitivity and recommend an appropriate treatment or prescribe a product to help treat the sensitivity. If your teeth are especially sensitive, we can recommend you schedule a root canal, filling, or other advanced procedure to put an end to the cause of the sensitivity.
