How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is one of the fundamental pieces of equipment that maintains your oral health. Without it, you leave yourself open to developing bad breath, plaque, and eventually other conditions, such as gum disease. It is up to you to make sure you have a good...

When to go to the Dentist

Many people have some form of fear when they have to seek help from a medical professional, but none more so than the dentist. It may be the tools, the dentist chair or the fact that someone is looking into your mouth that frightens people. Regardless of the reason,...

The Dental Risks of Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a completely normal habit for children between the ages of 2 and 4. It is said to comfort and calm your baby/ toddler or it can be used as a source of entertainment or method to fall asleep. However, thumb sucking can become a risk to the development...

Do you need a gum lift?

Gum lifts, a procedure used in the past to treat gum disease, has in recent years become a more commonly used procedure in the cosmetic dentistry field as a treatment used to create the appearance of longer or more symmetrical teeth. The procedure is also known as...