Are You at Risk of Developing Cavities?

Are You at Risk of Developing Cavities?

Cavities can be the beginning of a range of dental conditions including tooth decay and gum disease. They also result in a patient needing a filling or a dental crown. Practicing good oral hygiene greatly lowers your risk of developing cavities, but there are many...

Is it a Toothache or Sinus?

Although the two conditions can have very different signs and symptoms, a sinus infection and toothache can be connected. Nearly 28 million Americans suffer from sinus infections, or sinusitis, without knowing that the infection and inflammation of the nasal passages...

Help! My Child Refuses to Brush their Teeth

Children do not always realize that brushing their teeth twice a day and following a regular dental routine is necessary for sustained oral health. Since their permanent teeth, or even their milk teeth, have just started to appear in their mouths, they have no idea of...

What to do when your child loses a tooth

Every parent will face at least one, if not many instances when their child has a loose tooth. Besides the excitement of the tooth fairy coming to visit and the expectation of a reward for their milk tooth under their pillow, parents need to know how to deal with...