What are the Cons of an Oral Piercing?

What are the Cons of an Oral Piercing?

You may be considering getting an oral piercing because it looks cool and can be a form of self-expression. But before you go through with this fashion trend, first look at some of the negative effects oral piercings can have on the health of your mouth. High Risk For...
How Do I Reverse Unhealthy Saliva Bacteria?

How Do I Reverse Unhealthy Saliva Bacteria?

Did you know that a healthy smile begins with healthy saliva production in your mouth? Healthy salivary glands produce up to a quart of water every single day and saliva production is vital to a healthy functioning mouth because it helps with swallowing and protects...
How do I prevent Gum Disease?

How do I prevent Gum Disease?

Did you know that gum disease is one of the most prevalent oral health issues in the country? Most adults likely have some form of gum disease, and many don’t even know they have it. Left untreated, it can ravage the gums and underlying tissue, eventually leading to...
My Dental Bridge Broke, Now What?

My Dental Bridge Broke, Now What?

When your bridgework was originally installed, it was designed to stand the test of time. At the same time, extreme situations like a blow to the face, hard fall, or other accident can damage your dental bridge in Pleasant Grove, Utah. If any part of your bridge is...
What Complications Will Removing Wisdom Teeth Prevent?

What Complications Will Removing Wisdom Teeth Prevent?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are vestigial teeth in the back of your child’s mouth that will eventually attempt to emerge from the gums. Most people choose to have their child’s wisdom teeth removed after their 32 permanent teeth have replaced their...