Concussion awareness and the danger to your mouth brought on by contact sports, has continued to increase in recent years. Blows to the face during contact sports greatly increase the chances of a cracked, fractured or knocked out teeth. Many of these situations can be prevented by wearing a custom mouth guard. A custom fitted mouth guard is especially important for athletes that have braces or a fixed retainer.

Your custom mouth guard represents a serious investment in protecting your teeth and reducing the chance of concussion from a blow to the face. Regular care and maintenance will extend the life of your mouth guard.

After every practice session or game you should rinse the mouth guard in lukewarm water. On occasion you can also brush the mouth guard with nonabrasive toothpaste to refresh it and remove any traces of residual plaque.

When you are not wearing it you should keep the mouth guard you should keep in the case provided. Store it in a cool, dry place that is out of the sun.

Inspect the mouth guard regularly for any trouble spots. It’s not uncommon for a little natural wear and tear to occur. If something major happens, you should contact your dentist for advice.

If you have any questions about how to maintain your custom mouth guard please feel free to call us at 801.785.2574 to schedule an appointment.
